North Island map

An interactive map with all of the best places to visit in New Zealand’s North Island

If you’re planning your visit to the North Island, you might want to visualise your route around the (surprisingly large) island.

To help you save time and plan your trip to the North Island, I’ve put together this interactive travel map of must-visit attractions, hidden gems, and hiking trails.

You can also see a map of the South Island.

About this map

This interactive map of the North Island has more than 200 points of interest.

These are all marked with icons and divided into layers according to categories: hiking trails, national parks, and activites, recommended accommodation and campsites, practical information, activities, etc.

In addition, all places include a short description and links to official sources of information.

How to use this map

Hit the square in the upper right corner of the map to open it in a separate window (which will make it easier to view):


Click on each icon to see more info — I have added notes on each one with further details:

You can also check or uncheck each layer (for sights, accommodation, and so on) so that you only see pins for one layer:

It can take weeks to drive around the South Island

On my most recent trip around the South Island, I arrived in Picton, stopped in Nelson for a friend’s wedding then went to explore Golden Bay.

After that I made my way down the east coast of the South Island, through Christchurch, to Dunedin, and finally to Invercargill.

South Island itineraries and driving routes

These are some of my favourite itineraries around the South Island:

If you found this South Island map useful, you might also like some of my other resources for planning travel around New Zealand:

Petrina Darrah

I’m a freelance travel writer from New Zealand with bylines in National Geographic Travel, Conde Nast Traveler, Travel + Leisure and more.

I’ve travelled up and down beautiful Aotearoa and I love sharing my insights into the best places to visit.

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South Island map of must-see places